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Sources: Bibliographies, General (Chinese)

May 6, 2010

Zhongguo shehui kexueyuan. Lishi yanjiusuo. Bashi nian lai shixue shumu, 1900-1980. 八十年来史学书目, 1900-1980. Beijing: Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe, 1984.

Listing of titles, authors, and publication data for books on topics in world and Chinese history up to 1919, that were published in China (including some foreign books translated into Chinese) between 1900-1980. Does not include local gazetteers. Includes 12,400 entries arranged by subject.

Zhongguo shehui kexueyuan. Lishi yanjiusuo. Jingji shizu. Zhongguo shehui jingjishi lunzhe mulu. 中国社会经济史论著目录. Jinan: Qilu shushe, 1988.

A listing of 20,000 articles and books in the field of socio-economic history published in PRC, Hong Kong and Taiwan during 1900-1984. Each entry provides information about title, author, source and its date. It is divided into 13 categories: general discussion; agriculture; handcrafts; history of science and technology; commerce and cities; finance, monetary systems and usury; economic exchange; communications and postal service; “sprouts of capitalism;” modern industry; the history of economic thought; and some important theoretical problems of Chinese socioeconomic history.

Beijing tushuguan. Minguo shiqi zongshumu, 1911-1949. 民国时期总目录, 1911-1949. Beijing: Shumu wenxian chubanshe, 1996.

A multi-volume bibliography of books published during the Republican p philosophy, religion, society, politics, law, military affairs, economy, culture and education, language, literature, art, history and geography, physics, medicine, agriculture and industry , and general books. Each volume is organized by subject. It doesn’t include thread-bound Chinese books, periodicalsand publication information.

Zhongguo banben tushuguan. Quanguo neibu faxing tushu zongmu, 1949-1986. 全国内部发行图书总目. Beijing: Zhongguo shuju, 1988.

It includes more than 18,000 books published for a limited circulationfrom 1949-1986. Most of them are of the first edition. In each entry, it contains information on title, author, the press, the date and place.

Li, Yongpu. Zhongguoshi zhilei neibu shukan minglu, 1949-1988. 中国史志类内部书刊名录. Zhongguo jinxiandai shi shiliao jieshao yu yanjiu congshu 中国近现代史史料介绍与研究丛书. Jinan: Shandong renmin chubanshe, 1989.

Invaluable bibliography of post-1949 published materials on each locality. Most of these at the county level seem to be compiled by the county party committee and only circulated within local areas. It includes over 5,900 entries. Each entry has title, publisher, circulation and frequency. Organized by province, with title index.

The very beginning also includes a bibliography of national level publications of history and gazetteers.

Hanxue yanjiu zhongxin (Rep. of China). Taiwan diqu hanxue lunzhu xuanmu huibian ben (Minguo 76 nian-80 nian). 台灣地區漢學論著選目匯編本(民國76年–80年) = Selected bibliography of Chinese studies in Taiwan, cumulative 1987-1991. Taibei shi: Hanxue yanjiu zhongxin, 1992.

Includes books, articles, papers in conferences and dissertations related to Chinese studies published in Taiwan. Arranged by topics.

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